Glass block windows are common in basements and bathrooms. These are translucent, thick blocks of glass that allow light to flood into the room, but without being able to see through them. Glass block windows are almost like masonry, and as such, they offer greater security.

In bathrooms, they allow light in in a fashion that keeps prying eyes away. Many homes built before the 1950s had only a bathtub and not a shower, so having a window above the tub was a way to increase sunlight and circulation. When these homes were retrofitted with a shower, however, the wood frames around the windows often rotted - not to mention the direct view of the person showering. Glass block windows became a practical solution to these issues.

Getting a proper seal between all of the pieces of a glass block window is key, so be wary of hiring someone who picks up a few blocks at the local home improvement store and slaps them into an opening. Professional installers will pre-make the window at their shop and install the entire unit on site. This insures that you won’t have any water issues.

If you have a dark basement, consider installing glass block windows. You’ll immediately notice how sunlight bursts into the previous dank space, and the windows’ beauty will transform your environment.

Give us a call for a free quote on glass block window installation. We look forward to serving you.

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